
Driven by a passion for EdTech and curiosity,
I began this solo project.


Product Design (UX/UI)


3 weeks (2023)


Figma, Miro, Optimal

Student project at designlab

  • Background

    I initiated a solo journey to create a mobile app that leverages the power of Virtual Reality (VR) for educational purposes. The aim was to make school field trips more accessible, affordable, and easy to plan, allowing students to explore the world directly from their classrooms.

  • Challenge

    Design an MVP app that addresses the logistical and cost issues of traditional field trips by using VR technology to allow affordable, accessible, and limitless explorations right from the classroom.

  • Goal

    Create an app that uses Virtual Reality to bring the world into the classroom.


The goal of the research was

Secondary Research

I initially attempted interviews, but finding the right participants was challenging and yielded limited insights. I then pivoted to other research methods, which were more fruitful for my study.
I looked at websites like Quora, reading what teachers and principals said about field trips. It was a different way to learn, but it turned out to be pretty helpful.

Quotes from research

“ They have a lot of paperwork „

“ logistics of planning the field trip„

“They are a pain to coordinate„

“ Students get lost/break things / etc„

“Students are unappreciative or waste time „

“ Costs (low or no budget for field trips) „

“ They take so much time „

Competitive analysis

I took a close look at popular travel sites like Expedia, Booking.com, TripAdvisor, and Kayak. I wanted to see how they handle eco-friendly travel options. Here’s a breakdown of what I discovered.



Quality content and immersive VR experiences


User interface could be improved for better navigation.

special feature

Offers a wide range of historical and cultural sites.



Successfully blends education with VR for an engaging learning experience.


Subject variety could be expanded.

special feature

Real-world environments translated into VR experiences.



Comprehensive VR curriculum and hardware solutions.


Cost-prohibitive for some institutions.

special feature

Provides integrated curriculum-specific VR content.



Makes complex subjects engaging through VR.


Overall user experience could be improved.

special feature

Specializes in complex subjects like physics and biology.

Define & Ideate

Building empathy

From my research, three critical POVs emerged representing the users' experiences and needs.

  • The first POV stated, "As a teacher, I am concerned about the cost and logistics of organizing a field trip". To address this concern, we asked: "How might we make it easier and more affordable for teachers to organize field trips?"
  • The second POV was, "As a teacher, I am limited by the time constraints of the school day, and find it difficult to fit a field trip into my curriculum". Correspondingly, we wondered: "How might we provide teachers with tools to fit field trips into their curriculum while still meeting their educational objectives?"
  • The third POV identified was, "As a teacher, I am worried about the safety and behavior of my students during a field trip". To tackle this issue, we proposed: "How might we ensure the safety and appropriate behavior of students during field trips?"

From the concerns I've heard, one big question stands out: "How can we make planning and going on field trips easier and cheaper for teachers?"

This leads me to the following commitment: "I'm set on making it simpler and more affordable for teachers to plan and go on field trips."

Building the Blueprint

Using the insights gained from card sorting, I crafted a sitemap for the app. This sitemap acted as my guide, illustrating the connections between all the elements of the app and setting a clear route for my design journey.

Crafting Paths and Actions

After setting up our sitemap, I turned to user and task flows. These became the guiding force for the wireframes, ensuring my app's design would match the real-world journey and tasks of our users.

Prototype & Test

Sketching the First Draft

Based on user and task flows, I started crafting low-fidelity wireframes. This is where our app started to take on a visual form, as the wireframes laid out the initial design and structure of our application.

Wrap up!

I explored VR's educational potential through this project, facing challenges but finding ways to solve them. Positive feedback on my test version highlighted its potential. Through this, I learned the importance of creative research when not reaching target users, and how essential user-friendliness and intuitiveness are in VR for education.

With More Time, What Would I Do?

If given more time, I would have delved deeper into VR interaction design, sought more feedback from educators and students, and enhanced the app's interface design.

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