Leafy Trails

Championing Sustainable Travel


Product Design (UX/UI)


3 weeks


Figma, Miro, Optimal

Student project at designlab

  • Background

    The airline industry, despite its vast benefits, has long faced environmental concerns. Travelers want eco-friendly options, but current platforms fall short.
    Here's where the concept of Leafy Trails was born.

  • Problem

    Most travel platforms lack a comprehensive focus on eco-friendly flights, making it challenging for green travelers to make informed choices.

  • Goal

    Craft Leafy Trails as the leading choice for green travelers, offering a curated selection of sustainable transport options, making eco-friendly bookings straightforward, transparent, and easy.


Competitive analysis

To lay the foundation for Leafy Trails, an in-depth understanding of the target audience and market was essential.

I took a close look at popular travel sites like Expedia, Booking.com, TripAdvisor, and Kayak. I wanted to see how they handle eco-friendly travel options. Here’s a breakdown of what I discovered.



Comprehensive travel information and user reviews


No specific filter or indicator for eco-friendly options.

special feature

Broad search capability across flights, hotels, and car rentals

Green Relevance

Offers some eco-labeled hotels but lacks comprehensive sustainability metrics for flights or stays



Ability to filter accommodations by 'sustainable' or 'eco-friendly'


Lacks a carbon footprint estimator or similar tools for flights

special feature

Extensive hotel listings with detailed guest reviews

Green Relevance

Recognizes 'green hotels' but does not encompass the broader travel experience



Travel forums and Q&A provide user insights into sustainable options


No direct booking or explicit green certification for listed entities

special feature

User-generated reviews and ratings for almost any travel-related entity

Green Relevance

Community can share eco-tips, but platform doesn't centralize or promote sustainable travel



Includes a flight's carbon footprint in its search results


Doesn't provide actionable solutions like carbon offsetting or green alternatives

special feature

Meta-search tool comparing multiple travel sites for best deals

Green Relevance

Acknowledges flight carbon footprint, but stops short of providing eco-alternatives or offsets

User Interviews

Discussions were held to delve into user needs, behaviors, and pain points concerning travel booking.

During my User Interviews, I chatted with five distinct travelers. We explored their travel habits, inquired about their grasp of carbon footprints, and delved into obstacles they faced with current platforms.
What stood out? A shared desire for a clearer path to green flight options; a clarity they felt was missing on most sites.

Key Objectives:

  • Gauge their current awareness and familiarity with sustainable travel options.
  • Understand their level of interest and willingness to explore eco-friendly travel opportunities.
  • Identify gaps in current platforms that hinder their ability to travel sustainably.

some Findings were

  • Varied Familiarity: Responses indicated varied levels of understanding. Some were adept at green travel practices, while others knew only the basics but showed a keen interest to deepen their knowledge.
  • Balancing Enjoyment and Sustainability: A recurring sentiment was the apprehension that opting for eco-friendly choices might diminish the quality of their travel experience. Travelers seek a platform that can assure them of both a memorable journey and a minimal environmental impact.

Define & Ideate

Creating Representative Users

Drawing from our in-depth conversations with travelers, we crafted a user persona, capturing the essence of the eco-conscious traveler's needs, behaviors, and aspirations.

Building empathy

To understand our user better, I mapped out Tina's entire travel journey. This shows how an eco-conscious traveler thinks and plans.

Original work here

Tina's journey highlighted the essence of Leafy Trails: Combining sustainability with a user-friendly experience.

Pain Points

  • Overwhelm from abundant information makes decision-making challenging.
  • Concerns about affordability versus sustainability. Is it an either-or scenario?
  • Desire for transparent details on the sustainability practices of each travel option.


  • Simplifying the eco-choice: Clear indicators for sustainable options can bridge the trust gap.
  • Real-time updates and notifications, ensuring travelers like Tina are always in the loop.
  • Highlighting affordability in eco-friendly choices, assuaging budget concerns.

Structuring the User Journey

To create a user-centric platform, I began by mapping out the structure of Leafy Trails.
Laying out a site map, we established a clear blueprint for our website, ensuring an intuitive journey for users seeking eco-friendly flight and train options.

User & Task Flows

Using task flows, I charted a user's journey from thinking of travel to finalizing their eco-friendly booking.

Diving deeper, the user flows provided insight into the decision-making processes and interactions users might experience while navigating through Leafy Trails.

Prototype & Test


In the initial design phase, I sketched out the basic layout and structure of Leafy Trails. These rough drafts captured the essence of the user journey and set the stage for more detailed designs.

Building upon the foundation set by the low-fidelity sketches, I enhanced the clarity and began integrating detailed elements. This stage bridged the gap between basic structure and a closer representation of the final product.

Key Features Visualized

  • Signup :‍User-friendly access to Leafy Trails, ensuring your data's safety.
  • Search Feature: Allows users to swiftly locate and select eco-friendly travel options.
  • Real-time Notification Option: A checkbox for users to opt-in or out of instant journey updates.
  • Check-in and Payment: Seamless steps to finalize your travel, with secure payment methods.

High fidelity wireframes

Finalizing the design, I fleshed out the high-fidelity wireframes, incorporating intricate details, color schemes, and typography. These representations provided a near-accurate view of how Leafy Trails would look and feel to the end user.




Understanding What Works and What Doesn’t

I did the usability test with 3 users, from my research phase
In my in-person usability tests, users were tasked with signing up and booking a flight through Leafy Trails.

  • User feedback indicated the need for UI enhancements within Leafy Trails.
  • Users expressed a strong desire for a dedicated and detailed review page before selecting their payment method.
See iterations

Final Prototype

This version of Leafy Trails was designed as an MVP (Minimum Viable Product), focusing on essential features.
I'm thrilled to introduce the final and complete prototype. It reflects the iterative process, incorporating user feedback to create a user-friendly and eco-conscious travel experience.

Full Prototype

Wrap up!

In summary, as the designer behind Leafy Trails, I've driven the journey to make travel more sustainable and user-friendly. I've incorporated user feedback, ensuring a seamless eco-conscious travel experience. Leafy Trails is committed to a user-centric, sustainable future for travel.

With More Time, What Would I Do?

  • Conduct Thorough Testing: I'd spend more time testing the platform, reaching out to a larger group of users. By getting feedback from a diverse range of users, I could gather more insights, understand different user needs, and fine-tune the design and features accordingly.
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